Supervised Contact

Supervised Contact

Supervised contact involves the presence of a safe adult while a child interacts with a non-resident family member. This service is used when there is a risk of harm or a history of harm during contact, as determined by the Local Authority, Court, CAFCASS, or through self-referral.

At our organisation, we provide supervised contact services to ensure the physical safety and emotional well-being of the child during their interactions with their non-resident parent. We specialise in re-establishing contact in cases where there has been a significant lapse of no contact. Our goal is to support parents in building and sustaining positive relationships with their children.

Our practitioners are not qualified Social Workers but act as a support network for the parents we work with. They provide valuable feedback to the Social Worker, contributing to accurate and comprehensive reports that represent the whole situation.

With a child-focused and compassionate approach, our practitioners always prioritise the well-being of the children. They encourage parents and children to engage and interact in meaningful and positive ways, fostering a supportive environment.

Supervised contact visits provide parents with an opportunity to showcase their parenting skills and strengthen their connection with their children. We believe in putting the children at the forefront of every decision and aim to facilitate positive and structured contacts between non-resident and resident parents.

In collaboration with our Social Workers, our practitioners maintain detailed Daily Record Logs and share their findings with the referring agency. This ensures a comprehensive and fully representative assessment is provided to support informed decision-making.

Overall, our supervised contact services aim to support safe and positive relationships, providing an environment where children can thrive and parents can nurture their connections with their children.

Make a Referral

Collaborating with Nurture Care Support Services is a hassle-free process.

Please complete the form below and we will respond to you on the same day to provide you with CV’s, Timescales, and a cost estimate.